February 3, 2021
Peace Kitchen - What impact does my consumption have?
Have you ever contemplated the deranged reality that a kilogram of bananas from Ecuador is offered at a cheaper price point than locally-grown apples at your local supermarket? Today, we want to introduce a project to you, that is dedicated to creating change and awareness about the economic and societal impact of our consumption decisions: Peace Kitchen.
Peace Kitchen is all about doing things differently: The initiative aims to promote new ways of sourcing and producing food that benefit all stakeholders and our planet. In recent years, we have observed a significant increase in market size for organically grown and processed produce. Even though this constitutes a step towards more responsible consumption, a fair food industry is still far from being a reality.
Peace Kitchen is focusing on the social impact of our groceries and meals as well as the production conditions and decisions that affect the environment, without losing sight of farmers' living conditions all over the globe.
Together with Conflictfood, Markthalle Neun, Über den Tellerrand e.V., Good Food Collective, we at seedtrace want to establish a platform on which we all - producers and consumers - can learn from each other.
Our team at seedtrace is excited to be a part of Peace Kitchen. Through our digital platform, visitors can scan products and discover their origin, providing the means for all participating brands to understand, manage and communicate the social and ecological impact of their products. That way, we enable businesses and conscious consumers alike. We firmly believe that all stakeholders involved in food production can work together towards a reality where all actors along the supply chain act jointly and scale together.
The first Peace Kitchen event was hosted on October 29, 2020 and the series will be continued for another six months every week as part of “Street Food Thursday” as soon as the pandemic permits.
Together, we will educate ourselves about social, ecological and economic sustainability and will not shy away from asking important questions, such as: How can I as a consumer contribute to a more fair and just food production? How can we make healthy food choices the easiest ones? How will water scarcity affect us in the near future?
Follow Peace Kitchen and seedtrace to find out more about the ways we are determined to disrupt conventional food production and turn product transparency into a Unique Selling Point.
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