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Receive guidance on EUDR

Understand your requirements to complete the due diligence process for the EU deforestation regulation. The Seedtrace end-to-end platform enables you to collect, analyse, and submit EUDR-required data along your products' supply chains.


Receive guidance on EUDR

Seedtrace solution for EUDR (European Deforestation Regulation)
Seedtrace solution for EUDR (European Deforestation Regulation)

Understand your requirements to complete the due diligence process for the EU deforestation regulation. The Seedtrace end-to-end platform enables you to collect, analyse, and submit EUDR-required data along your products' supply chains.

Facilitate EUDR compliance and deforestation-free sourcing through step-by-step guidance

The Seedtrace platform enables you to implement traceability and track potential deforestation in your global supply chains. Seamless collaboration with your partners on collecting geo-data and completing self-assessments is built in. For each of the seven commodities – cocoa, coffee, palm oil, soy, rubber, timber, and cattle – and their derivative products like chocolate, leather, or furniture, our solution provides scalable and accurate monitoring of every forest, plantation, or field worldwide.

Conduct a credible deforestation assessment through satellite imagery and mitigate risks

Supported by fine-grained remote sensing technology, we enable you to conduct a credible deforestation analysis along your supply chains. The process includes flexible geo-data upload with automated parsing, normalisation and validation. Upon completion of all steps, your due diligence statement is ready for submission to the EU Information System.

Finalist nomination at DNP 2025

Our deforestation check has been selected as a finalist in the German Sustainability Award (DNP) 2025. In the newly created "Products" competition, we advanced to the next round in the "Value Chains" transformation field with this innovative sustainability solution.

Nominee seal German Sustainability Award Products 2025 - Seedtrace

How does it work?

Following a 12-month postponement, the EU regulation will become mandatory for large companies starting 30 December 2025 and for micro and small businesses on 30 June 2026. Discover how Seedtrace can support your compliance with EUDR.

Seedtrace platform product feature: EUDR: Data collection

Data upload and verification

Seedtrace offers assistance during the data collection to understand data availability and identify bottlenecks. The platform allows users to check data quality and identify the need for revisions or error correction. Supported file formats for the upload of geo- locations and polygon data are: GeoJSON, KML, CSV and XLSX.


Conduct required risk assessment


Fulfill reporting and mitigation requirements

Renato Correia Image

Our collaboration with Seedtrace is to further cement our commitment to offering traceable, transparent, and audited processes for EUDR compliance that put a firm spotlight into our work at origin. At the core of everything we do are our partner producers, who are vital to our sustainability efforts. The Seedtrace platform for supply chain and sustainability data, along with its consumer-facing integrations for interactive product journeys, enables us to connect consumers to our products in an engaging and informative way.

Renato Correia - Coffee Operations Manager at Espressolab

Buil­ding and pro­ving de­fo­re­sta­ti­on-free sup­ply chains with Seed­t­race

Read our case study to learn how we supported a mid-sized chocolate manufacturer to prepare for EUDR compliance and discover the challenges we faced, the solutions we implemented, and the key lessons we learnt throughout the project.

EUDR Case Study Visual

Prepare for EUDR with our workshop

We believe in empowering businesses to tackle the EUDR with confidence. Instead of committing to complex, long-term solutions right away, we provide you with the perfect first step: practical, independent guidance. 

Our tailored EUDR workshop consists of customisable modules, expert facilitation, and actionable deliverables. You will gain clarity on compliance requirements, assess your current readiness, and define a roadmap for success. Find the full offer here and contact our CEO Katharina for more details and booking.

EUDR Workshop Visual

Let's ensure compliance for your products

Our founder Katharina is happy to answer all your questions. Let’s discuss your needs concerning supply chain transparency following the regulations of the EU.

Portrait of Katharina Elisa Davids

Katharina Elisa Davids

CEO and Co-Founder

More Seedtrace solutions for you

Implement traceability starting from the first mile

We support you to build and maintain end-to-end traceability for your products. Our platform comes with a strong focus on retrieving critical data from the first mile and helps you pass it on to the entire supply chain ecosystem.

Gather data for CSR insights and reporting

We enable you to collect critical supply chain data. Through intelligent dashboards for CSR reporting, you can gain actionable insights on the social and environmental impacts along your chains and build the foundation for a long-term strategy.

State proven sustainability facts about your products

We provide you with tools to leverage your supply chain data for consumer-facing communications through owned or down-the-chain channels. This boosts your credibility and enables your buyers to make informed purchasing decisions.